
You may now be a little too serious. Maybe it's time to take a vacation from everyday life and rest. Take the moment as it comes and devote more time to your personal development. You are in a thoughtful period where you should put yourself first and figure out what you want from life before taking the next step.

It may not be the most romantic period, but if you take advantage of everything that happens, you can now develop yourself so that love later on will be as perfect as you desire. You probably thrive best in smaller groups, and just going out on an island or taking a trip into nature can give you the relaxation and insights you need to get peace in your thoughts. It can also be an excellent period to make changes to your home.

You'll take things a little more seriously during this month. You are careful that everything is as perfect as you wish for and as you feel within you that things should be. You are looking for a deeper meaning, but at the same time, you are aware that there must be joy in what you do. Love doesn't come first during this period, but you devote yourself more to romance at the end of the month. It is an excellent period to fast or drink fruit drinks.

Virgo 8/24-9/22

Clean, practical, health-conscious, and meticulous. Shy, honest, faithful, reliable, practical, determined, controlling, and intelligent.
You go your way, believe in your ideals, and dare to see that even the dark can mean optimism.

Virgo is the proper, orderly pedant in control (or wants to be). You are profound, honest, strong, stubborn, and determined. You may have a little too much fun, but only out of a sense of responsibility; you are a true idealist who is faithful to your partner and friends as long as they are by your side. Trips go to health resorts, ski resorts, and themed trips to places considered severe.

Money is control over, order and order, money on Friday. The Virgin is faithful in love and finds a great love she will keep for the rest of her life, even if the partner is no longer there.

As a Virgo, you are probably best known for being pedantic. To have order and control and to be a bit nosy. You have a handle on the situation and every detail, and enjoy it best when you let others know what's going on. You can have a hard time with changes and prefer to know what applies before you embark on something new, but once you do, you're on board all the way. Zealous might be another word that describes you, which might not sound so positive, but everything you try to control is for the good of everyone.

You want peace and quiet and for everything to have its place. It will be easier for you then because you take this responsibility seriously. You care about what you can touch, even the physical; you can live the healthiest of all signs in your eagerness for the perfect.

You can be one of the nicest friends as long as everything goes smoothly. In your responsibility, you can still change what you think would be good from "renovation." You rarely give up and can be a bit of a con artist in your eagerness to master life at every turn.

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot

XX Judgment

4 of Pentacles

Gaia in Virgo

5 of Pentacles

Mars in Virgo

6 of Pentacles
Jupiter in Virgo

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