
You may now have a lot of thoughts about what is the best thing for you to do. It can be so bad that you get stuck in all the thoughts if you don't make a plan for your life. Set goals, put yourself first, and do what makes you happy. You may find it difficult to make relationships work the way you want, perhaps just because the time is more appropriate for you to find more of your development.

Try to take a little more responsibility for everyday events, alternate with time off, but don't make demands because you are the most disappointed. However, during this period, you can find more joy, partly in your own company, feeling stronger and seeing new sides of yourself, partly paying attention to others around you and looking at them with new insights. You are more social and more outgoing than before.

Maybe it's also the case that you waste more than usual, but so
metimes you have to be in the flow.
You have more will, more temper, and less patience; everything has to happen now, preferably the day before yesterday. You are invited to a party but can just as well be alone and think about the future and what you want to do. Don't forget to live in the present. Love is essential; you long for more passionate meetings, and your commitment is intense. There is a reasonable love period at the end of the month.

Scorpio 10/22-11/22

Spiritual, dramatic, profound, and searching. Emotional and passionate, passionate, intuitive, dramatic, profound, exciting.
To go your way, investigate, question, try.

Scorpio lives in its world, full of unexpected drama and events, and if they don't happen, Scorpio makes sure they do. You are mysterious, often dressed in black or with some accessory that distinguishes Scorpio from the others. There is a sense of drama and passion at the same time. Trips go to occult places, the Seven Wonders, for example.

Money must be used; if it runs out, you must wait anxiously to see if new ones come in.

Scorpio often finds someone to provide for them. In love, passion, heat, and suffering apply or nothing at all.

As a Scorpio, you are likely both intense and dramatic but also deep and analytical. You are a seeker, and you search intensely for excitement. You enjoy it when unexpected things happen; a little drama never hurts anyone, right? If nothing else, ensure more drama when you're still going.

You like to create conflict, question, and shake things up, all to see what can happen. Will it be the end of the earth or not? You are fascinated by life but all the more by death and everything that does not belong to the normality of everyday life; the more odd, the more enjoyable.
You are fascinated by all that is odd and can probably be experienced as a bit odd yourself. You're constantly balancing on the edge just because.

You wish to find answers to the entire universe, but until you do, you settle for a few odd interests that can develop you. You have no plans to stagnate, but it must constantly see more profound development regardless of price. The most dangerous is probably when you are calm on the outside because a lot happens inside, while when you create chaos, you have inner calm and well-being. You know the art of standing in the middle of chaos (that which you created) and observing. You have a talent for the mysterious and for making dreams come true.

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot

XIII Death

4 of Cups

Gaia in Scorpio

5 of Cups

Mars in Scorpio

6 of Cups
Jupiter in Scorpio

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