
It can be an exciting month, up and down. You can test your limits but still feel a fear of what you cannot control. The worst is when it comes to everything that has to do with emotions, many thoughts, intense longing, and confusion. If you stop in yourself, you know what applies.

You can have more energy to plan your future. Many twists and turns give you inspiration and new opportunities, an excellent time to keep your eyes and ears open for what you might typically miss or avoid. You are pleasant but restless, searching but lazy, confused but focused on what you want. You can confuse yourself with all your longing for experiences.

You dare more than usual, at least regarding your feelings. You can be in a reasonable period lovingly throughout the month, perhaps even most potent around the end of the month. You may have difficulty concentrating on work tasks, but it is summer, so try to relax. Financially, it seems to flow a little more than you have expected. Everything related to group meetings and fellowship provides stimulation and development during this period.

Gemini 5/22-6/21

Ambiguous, communicative, fleeting, and present You are versatile, flexible, intense, intellectual and intelligent, lively, and restless.
To see things from two sides, mediate, communicate, and stand up for one's values.

The Gemini is the one who plays a double role, is a bit watchful and wait-and-see, but is also immediately "on." You investigate what lies behind it. Visiting a Gemini can have its charms; one time, you are invited to cake, and the next, you get the door in your face, depending on the Gemini's mood. Gemini is mentally controlled and curious about most things, has to know, even details. Trips are preferable to current locations where a possible scoop can be found.

You can just as quickly be without money as you can have it in abundance. In love, Gemini is picky and needs someone who can stimulate and provoke, someone who is strong.

You are inquisitive, driven by inner power to know more to seek more development. You have a lot of forward-thinking, sometimes making you quite "pushy" and curious. You cannot be still but are constantly looking for the development of everything. You are inquisitive and even think you are omniscient; you always find an answer or know where to find it. You want development in everything you do; there should be a goal with everything that happens, even if you are not the one who takes hold of it, as long as you know and understand why.

You are active, perhaps the sportiest zodiac sign of them all, probably through your restlessness to constantly seek new experiences. But it also makes you a globetrotter, if you don't pack your suitcase, you're stuck with your nose in brochures, books, the internet or through different groups.

You find it easy to convey your messages; you seem to believe for a moment that everything should be lived now, which makes you very intense, but once you get out what you took in, you retake a break. Those who are insecure easily misunderstand you, but on the other hand, do you have time with people who drain your energy when you have so much going on?

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot

X The Wheel of Fortune

Ace of Swords

Mercury in Taurus

2 of Swords

Moon in Taurus

3 of Swords
Venus in Taurus

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