
It's time to stop seriously looking at what you want in life. But you may not find any more answers because taking responsibility for yourself can be a challenge, easier than dreaming away and ensuring everyone else is happy. Having more time for yourself and alternate everyday life and vacation would be best. If you want to create a good structure, you can draw guidelines for what is important to you in the future. You are anything but still, examining everything, both the hidden and what is right in front of you.

You may feel a little confused when it comes to love. Just be careful that you don't let it control your whole life. You can quickly lose control when you don't know where your feelings are. You are now most successful in socializing with many people, letting go of negative thoughts, and being in the experience even if it does not seem to turn out as you want or expect.

In some eyes, you may be perceived as a bit volatile and irresponsible but offer that reflection because you may need this experience to find your power again. Responsibility can feel burdensome; ensure you don't mess it up more than necessary. Love is intense at the beginning of the month; don't analyze it, but let it grow in peace.

Pisces 2/20-3/20

Dreamy, romantic, and destructive.
Imaginative, intense, compassionate, sympathetic, intuitive.
To believe in yourself, to dare to see the past, the present, and the future, and to be in the present.

Pisces are the dreamers, the artistic ones who thrive on life and movement and can quickly get bored and then come into an inner conflict and become depressed. Is kind and gullible, sensitive and romantic.

Travel goes to relaxing places, sun, bathing, and glamour.

Money is the answer to happiness and freedom and what helps expand the wardrobe.

In love, the fish are romantic and have high ideals.

You are the romantic, the dreamer, who lives in your romantic bubble. You are expressive and committed to what brings you joy. Everything else you have to try to get away from. Because what you don't yet have experience in can be dangerous or take down your romantic dreams of all that brings joy.

You are expressive and committed. You can be like a Jumpstarter sometimes, always looking for something new to make you happy because even if you are, there is fear that it will disappear, so it's just as well to protect yourself.

You are the one who dances your way through life, and you often stub your toes just because you don't want to see the hard truth. Everything related to rhythm suits your mind, dance, song, and music but also to go inside yourself and create in your dreams. You are good at expressing yourself as long as it is through some kind of art.

You often go with the flow, but if there is another path, you can do your best to slip in there and make the most of it. You may also have a tendency toward seriousness that causes you to withdraw. To many, you can be seen as slightly gloomy and confused, but then they would only know how much you have to keep track of because you are a seeker after the perfect, the ultimate that brings happiness. Sensitive, sensitive, and with a big heart.

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot

XVII The Victim (The Hanged Man)

7 of Cups

Saturn in Pisces

8 of Cups

Uranus in Pisces

9 of Cups
Neptune in Pisces

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