
This can be an excellent period for you if you are just present in what is happening and do not run away from responsibility. You find it easy to dream away; your longing can become more fantasy than reality. It's a good time for you to mix between work and time off; too much time off can make you too comfortable, and you might take everything for granted and miss out on some fun experiences. You bring more focus, but what you use it for is up to you.

You will probably feel better at home than on the road and then preferably with many people around you, maybe it is with you that all your relatives spend this period. It can also be a reasonable period for you to make investments, take care of your house, stop creating what you long for, and share it with others. You feel great, have your work cut out for you, community, security, and a generally reasonable period where most things revolve around you and your emotional experiences.

You can feel an increased inner security that makes you say what you think and get a good response. You also enjoy yourself, which you take the liberty to do occasionally. You may be looking for a development in terms of work, more independence that gives you more power and focus. The best period for love is the whole month, but especially around the middle of the month.

Cancer 6/22-7/22

Home-loving, romantic, shy, and shy. Loving, Caring. Sympathetic and cautious.

Lessons: To stop in the present and be confident in yourself.

Cancer is the one who loves their home the most; you thrive at home with your loved ones and have complete control over pans and curtains in a blissful mix. You are tender and caring but need revolving doors in your home that are always open to whoever needs someone to lean on.

Cancer avoids travel if it cannot take home with it, i.e., caravan or mobile home and preferably in connection with the safe corner of the home. Money is something that others ensure they always have and is invested first and foremost in kitchen furnishings and the home.

Love is important as it is the elixir of life. You enjoy a stable relationship and dream of having a magnificent wedding and many children. You are harmonious as a person who enjoys taking it easy with others. Your emotional experiences drive you. You are homesick and love those closest to you to whom you give the most time. You can tinker endlessly at home but have less patience if you're out of your comfort zone. However, you are patient as long as it benefits those closest to you as you live through others.

Since you are a family person, your loved ones and their well-being are the most important thing and you have a sixth sense when it comes to sensing how others feel. You are good at nurturing, bringing everything into harmony with a positive spirit, and strengthening the community.

You have a gift through your sensitivity and your mind to create well-being, whether through a hug, presence, or baking buns, has no meaning. You find the path that is right for there to be harmony. When you get hurt, you can put up your shell, close the door to contact, and retreat. You can walk through fire and water to reach the goal with harmony.

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot

XVIII The Moon

Ace of Cups

Mercury in Cancer

2 of Cups

Moon in Cancer

3 of Cups
Venus in Cancer

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