
It's an excellent period for you to rest while still keeping track of the situation. You can create a lot of new things but also get done with everything that is happening. It's a good time for time off to put your energy into what is more critical privately. Home and relationships should get their time now. Take some time off, invest in yourself, and have fun instead of being earnest.

You have time in the future to continue with all the things that work so well, a little relaxation will surely do you good. Practice taking the day as it comes and being present in it. It is the perfect time for small daily excursions and immersing yourself, cultivating yourself a little in everything around you—a great way to find more inspiration and connect. You can now take in many new things, develop yourself mentally, and find a more profound love.

You are in your flow and maybe a little reserved, not the most social, but you don't have to worry; you have a lot to think about and take a stand on, even if no crucial decisions are to be made now. You glide along but are still very aware of your feelings, look deeper at your way of being, and develop yourself through your experiences to understand yourself more clearly than usual.

Libra 9/23-10/21

Ambiguous, balanced, and reflective. Diplomatic and constantly in the selection and qualification! Romantic, friendly, idealist.
Dare to take it for yourself, choose everything instead of something, and believe in your word.

Libra is the diplomat who ensures it seldom ends up in a conflict or election situation. You choose both or opt out of everything but have difficulty choosing. Often, it is based on your philosophical orientation, memories from past lives, or the fear of missing out.

As a Libra, you are pleasant to hang out with; do your best to entertain and cheer. Trips go to historical memorial sites or bus tours around the world. Money can be a problem or rather the question of whether you should keep it or use it. In love, Libra waits until the longest before it settles down and has great demands on its partner.

You may be perceived by many as aloof, but it's just that you need to feel in and think about it first. You seek balance and harmony, and it can be overwhelming. Even so, you have a sense of humor about your space and behavior. You want security by protecting yourself with either or in everything that you do. The idea that you don't know what you want is crazy; if you choose between two things, it is only because you want both. Also, you've learned that other people's patience is not as vital as yours, so sooner or later, someone will give up and give you everything you want.

You strive for law and order, the perfect balance, and can't help but get into conflicts of all kinds. You are guided by your need for everything to have two sides, and both must be heard. It is also the case with your communication because you like to communicate, but it must be balanced, and all opinions must be presented and valued. Not everyone has the same energy as you, but you solve that because you always have a solution for everything. You fight hard to create harmony. You have your values as a basis, and you, if anyone, know what is right and wrong.

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot

XIV The Wisdom (Temperance)

4 of Swords

Gaia in Libra

5 of Swords

Mars in Libra

6 of Swords
Jupiter in Libra

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