
This is an excellent period for you, both calm and full of adventure. It probably suits you best with one-day trips where you can experience for the moment but then land in the habitual safe and digest all impressions. It is more of a period where you and your development are the priority, not so much planning and work but instead being in life and all experiences and taking advantage of everything you can experience.

You enjoy being around people but also need your quiet moments. You can have many thoughts about the future and take the opportunity to think. It is now that you can take the time to think things through. In time, you will probably have time to act, except when it comes to love, which seems to be a highlight in your life now with many harmonious moments.

You're a bit cumbersome; one minute, you want to be on your own, go into deep analyses, think about the seriousness of life, and the next moment, be the first to go on an adventure. At the beginning of the month, love can sweep away with you and you forget time and space, something you should continue with. Travel, several and in different directions, can give you what you are looking for; you have a flexible mind, which means that your communication with others works well.

Aquarius 1/20-2/19

Innovation, invention, and questioning. Honest and loyal, intense, probing, deep, inventive and intellectual.
Believing in your visions.

Aquarius is the optimist, the visionary of the future who creates the perfect existence in his thoughts and dreams. You are positive about new thinking and can create what no one has thought of before; despite that, you can be a little restless but aware of what is happening in the present.

Trips go to exciting developing places, preferably by air.

You have money to realize your dreams; hence, it is an important ingredient.

In love, Aquarius wants to feel freedom but also the building of shared goals and values.

You are the true pioneer; you want to experience, see, and feel more of all that because, if anyone, you know there is more. You are the thinker who philosophizes about everything possible because you know there must be something more or another way of looking at that subject. You find it easy to learn, find interests, and go all in to understand. The totality of everything is important to you, and nothing is impossible; it just might take a little longer to fix.

You are open and cheerful but also a bit reserved. Cold talk and gossip are not for you; you are truthful and want freedom and open borders. You want development; yes, you want a lot and think about how to solve it. But you don't throw yourself into anything; there must already be a foundation, and you take most things very seriously, and others may find it difficult to follow your swings.

You are honest, tell it like it is and expect others to do the same so that it is possible to create a foundation to build on. Logic and facts, planning and theories, that's your thing.

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot

XVII The Star

7 of Swords

Saturn in Aquarius

8 of Swords

Uranus in Aquarius

9 of Swords
Neptune in Aquarius

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