
You can be restless, have a lot of ideas, more that you want to do, and at the same time be a little comfortable. The risk is that you get stuck in the moment in everything you experience around you and that little is done about what you should prioritize. You can now have a great time when it comes to socializing and romance and intense emotions that deepen. You dare to show more of yourself, let go of the outer façade, dare to lose control, and give in, which can provide many unexpected but excellent experiences.

If you're single, you may fall into a relationship for real, but you might as well fly like a bee from flower to flower just because you're so immersed. Solid relationships can deepen and affect you more strongly than expected. It's an excellent period for socializing but as I said, don't forget everyday life. You can be impatient, want everything now, maybe the most significant thoughts when it comes to love, hard when you don't know whether to be a happy single or a happy partner.

You probably have too much going on that you have difficulty stopping and feeling what you should be doing, affected by everything around you. You can take the opportunity to travel during this period as new meetings can give you the stimulation you may be looking for. Your feelings are the most important; this, with work and finances, will be a later question.

Sagittarius 11/23-12/21

Philosophical, fair, animal (horse), or a theater fan. Honest and fair, optimistic, cheerful, forthright, intellectual.
Take a stand, evaluate, reconsider, and let go.

Sagittarius is the philosopher, the actor who sets great scenes in motion and an excellent politician. You are constantly looking for new adventures and experiences, but always have one foot in what has been to compare the experience. You are a bit wild and crazy, talk too spontaneously, and are impatient, as you must have changed.

Trips go to foreign countries and exciting cultures.

Money is something to be used.

In love, Sagittarius can find it a little tricky to be in a relationship; it can miss something.
As a person, you are severe and philosophical; you seek truth and justice in everything. You don't give up until you find balance in it. You may also be interested in politics or culture. You want to know as much as possible and look for answers in everything so you can travel quite a bit in your restlessness.

You are charged with energy, see your goal, and go after it. In addition, you are very outgoing, talk to everyone about everything, and language is no barrier to communication. You always find solutions to understand more; you struggle to create sustainable frameworks while also struggling to go outside the framework.

You find it difficult to be still, are profound regardless of the subject, and create fascination most of the time. You are good at directing but worse at taking responsibility, which can make you feel crowded or locked in, which is a challenge for you.

You are constantly curious and create new events all the time; you also love change and can quickly become fanatical about the experience.

The astrological signs on
The Rune Witch Tarot


7 of Wands

Saturn in Sagittarius

8 of Wands

Uranus in Sagittarius

9 of Wands
Neptune in Sagittarius

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