Mar 19 / Ylva Trollstierna

9 of Swords

9 of Swords
Neptune in Aquarius
Indigo-Turquoise (Insight-Shift)
Do you worry about one and the other? Do you know why? It's probably because you get something out of it, even if it's not what you desire. An untrained brain can only keep four things in mind simultaneously; what if you worry about four things? Then it's hard to break a pattern, get an insight, a positive thought that inspires you to focus on something good instead of worrying you for something that may not even exist other than as your brain ghosts.

Please write down your worries, get it out of your mind, and write the opposite, get that thought in instead of allowing yourself to limit yourself with something that creates nothing but worry. And I know it's easier said than done, but now, instead of creating anxiety if you fix it, I challenge you to try. One step at a time leads to new insights.

"In gratitude, I free up more resources and get a thousand times back, am confident in my experience in unity with my soul."

Do you think you have something to worry about? Maybe you have, if not the destructive thinking that is a part of you. In addition, we believe in the church; we think, feel, and act in life.

Is it not the case that you dwell on most things in detail, yet nothing gets better, but maybe even worse? Is it with negative thoughts if you get confused, you get more energy, and they will get bigger and bigger? Fear is one of the things that your ego loves to have under control. The more you languish, the more you have to worry about, maybe even more than that, because this energy does not help you get the things you crave, and it gets you further away.

Decide to think of only one thing that worries you right now; stop thinking about if it's such a big thing that it is even worth being anxious about! Perhaps you use this kneading because you feel lazy without control. Do you worry about others? What gives you the right to believe you know best for them and can help by worrying? In addition, this worry takes more energy. There is nothing left where you can strengthen or help. Let others grow from their mistakes and find what gives them joy rather than sorrow—concentrating on what is good rather than bad.

Is it perhaps that you have lost control and feel sorry for yourself? Maybe because you do not have the opportunities to do what you think is best for you. Why do you think you face this resistance? Is it perhaps that your ego has longed for something, and your mind and heart have not entirely been part of that longing? Now you feel unsuccessful, a little ashamed. Could it be that you are either on the wrong path in life or can it be so simple that you think wrong about what you want to realize? You want but do not think deep down that you are worth it or have the idea that it will still not be what you think.

Maybe this anxiety gives you the response you need to start acting. Maybe you cannot take another step but are about to lose control. You get to take a deeper look at your fears, let go of them, and stop dwelling on everything and nothing because they will never give you the love or confirmation you seek. Maybe it can make people feel sorry for you; that energy is nothing to long for, right? What do you long for? What are you worried about?
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